Mondragon v. City of Fremont
In June 2022, Adanté Pointer & Patrick Buelna won a $21 Million Jury Trial Verdict for the family of Elena Mondragon who was shot and killed by Fremont police officers when she was sixteen-years-old.
Read More/Terry Baker v. City of Oakland
Oakland police officer failed to stop at an intersection and crashed into Ms. Baker’s car causing her permanent injuries and resulted in a $12 million dollar settlement.
Read More/Monk v. County of Alameda
Lawyers for the People secured the largest settlement from the County of Alameda in a civil rights case and multiple training changes to the Santa Rita Jail on behalf of the family of Maurice Monk.
Alameda deputies at the Santa Rita failed to provide medical care, forged observation logs, and literally tossed medication into the cell of Maurice Monk while him laid motionless, facedown for 3 days in the midst of a medical emergency. Three days later, when the deputies and nurses finally entered the cell and checked on Maurice he was dead. The County of Alameda settled but LFTP continues its fight on the family’s behalf against corporate giant WellPath that was supposed to be providing medical care via their nurses.
“Alameda County to award unprecedented $7M to family of Oakland man left for dead at Santa Rita Jail”
Read More/Martin v. City of San Jose
In May 2021, Lawyers for the People won a $6 Million Jury Trial Verdict for Andy Martin against the San Jose Police Department after a SJPD officer hit Andy Martin with a police vehicle causing him traumatic injuries.
Read More/Smith v. City of Oakland
In 2008, Adanté Pointer and his co-counsels proved to a jury that two highly decorated Oakland police officers planted an assault rifle on Torrey Smith to coerce him to testify against someone he did not know…
Read More/Foster v. Vallejo
Vallejo Officer Ryan McMahon chased Ronell Foster into a dark alley to educate him on “bicycle safety” then shot him in the back and the back of the head several times.
Read More/Hernandez v. Sacramento
In 2019, Patrick Buelna and his co-counsels settled a case where they were able to prove City of Sacramento police officers piled on top of John Hernandez and asphyxiated him because he ran from police…
Read More/Ortiz v. San Joaquin County
In 2022, the LFTP team negotiated a $5 million settlement on behalf of Marco Ortiz after San Joaquin Deputies broke his leg in a County Jail. Deputies used excessive force when they performed an unauthorized leg sweep while Mr. Ortiz was handcuffed. The leg fractures required several surgeries to repair.
Read More/Willie McCoy. City of Vallejo
Willie McCoy, 19, was found sleeping in his car at Taco Bell. When Vallejo officers showed up they woke Willie up and shot him over 30 times. Lawyers For The People’s investigation into the shooting led to the uncovering of a police gang within the Vallejo Police Department that were bending badges to commemorate officer shootings and a $5 million settlement.
Read More/Jaime v. Couny of Alameda
Alameda Sheriff Deputies violated internal policies and chained 20-year-old Christian Madrigal to a door in the midst of a medical crisis, and left him. Christian took his own life, shortly after.
Read More/Atienza v. Contra Costa County
$4.9 Million Dollar Settlement and Criminal Conviction of Officer Hall for Assault with a Deadly Weapon where Ofc. Hall had shot and killed Laudemer Arboledo for driving slowly away from a traffic stop.
Read more/Okobi v. San Mateo County
In 2022, the LFTP team negotiated a $5 million settlement on behalf of Marco Ortiz after San Joaquin Deputies broke his leg in a County Jail. Deputies used excessive force when they performed an unauthorized leg sweep while Mr. Ortiz was handcuffed. The leg fractures required several surgeries to repair.
Read More/Sorrell Shiflett. San Leandro
Two San Leandro police officers harassed and chased down Sorrell Shiflett for merely walking down a street at night because he appeared “suspicious.” Sorrell suffered from a cognitive disability and was unable to articulate himself. The officers tased and struck him with batons. Lawyers For The People secured a $3.9 million settlement just weeks before trial.
Read More/Moore v. City and County of San Francisco
$3.25 Million Dollar Settlement where San Francisco Police Officers shot and killed Sean Moore on his stairway when Mr. Moore repeatedly told officers to leave and they claimed he charged and hurt them.
Read More/Pacheco v. City of Stockton
Stockton police officers claimed that Gerardo Pacheco ran a stoplight on his way back home from work and followed him to his house. When Gerardo realized officers followed him home, he went to show the officers a ticket he had just received for expired registration thinking this was the problem. In response, Stockton officers tackled him, punched him in the fact and handcuffed him in front of his children and wife. Once handcuffed and walking to the patrol car, one of the officers decided to throw Pacheco to the ground, kneed him in the face breaking his nose and choked him which was all captured on video. Ultimately, the City of Stockton and the officers settled the case for $3.25 million.
O'Neil v. CCSF
$2.5 Million settlement for SFPD Rookie Christopher Samayoa shooting and killing Keita O’Neil as he ran past his patrol car. The shooting resulted in San Francisco District Attorney charging Chistopher Samayoa with felony manslaughter and the officer is awaiting trial on the criminal charges.
Read More/Evans v. City of Vallejo
Vallejo officer shot and killed Angel Ramos at his house after a small fight broke out amongst Angel and his family & friends. The Vallejo officer claimed that he thought Angel was trying to stab someone but they were just in a fistfight. The Vallejo officer shot and killed Angel. The City of Vallejo and its officers ultimately settled the case for $2.8 million.
“Vallejo agrees to pay $2.8 million in wrongful death suit of Angel Ramos”
Read More/Lam v. Los Banos
In 2018, Adanté Pointer and his co-counsel proved that a Los Banos police officer shot Tan Lam in the midst of a mental health crisis. The officer testified that he had shot Tan Lam twice after he had stabbed him with a pair of scissors…
Read More/Nunez v. San Jose
In 2019, Adanté Pointer, Patrick Buelna, Lateef Gray and Angel Alexander, proved in federal court that two San Jose officers unlawfully shot and killed 18-year-old Anthony Nunez. Officers claimed Anthony pointed a gun at them prompting them to shoot him with their sniper rifles…
Read More/Armstead v. County of Alameda
Lawyers for the People recovered a $2.4 Million settlement on behalf of the Armstead family in a rare state-created danger doctrine case where Oakland police and Alameda County probation officers failed to intervene and arrest a mentally ill man who went onto kill his innocent neighbor, Miles Armstead. Miles was a well-known banker, father and friend that left behind his wife and children.
“Widow of man allegedly slain by neighbor gets $2.4 million settlement from Oakland, Alameda County”
McIntyre v. Sacramento County
In 2020, Adanté Pointer and his co-counsels settled a case for $1.725 million where Sacramento deputies shot and killed Mikel McIntyre when he was running from the police.
Read More/Pawlik v. Oakland
In 2020, Adanté Pointer and his co-counsels settled a case for $1.4 million where Oakland officers shot and killed homeless, Joseph Pawlik. At the time, Joseph was sleeping and waken by officers with guns screaming at him…
Read More/Nelson v. Hayward
In 2019, Adanté Pointer, Patrick Buelna and his co-counsels settled a case for $1 million where Hayward police responded to a call to transport Roy Nelson, Sr. back to the psychiatric hospital…
Read More/Burrell v. City of Vallejo
Adrian Burrell saw his friend being pulled over by a Vallejo Officer in the driveway of his house. He stepped out onto his porch with his cell phone to record for the safety of his friend. Vallejo Officer became enraged at being recorded, climbed the steps of Adrian’s porch and slammed his head into his railing then arrested him. Adrian explained that he was a Marine veteran and owned the house. The officer became frightened at his wrongdoing and released Adrian and failed to even document his arrest in a police report. The City of Vallejo and its officer settled the case for $300,000.
Adrian Burrell went onto become a Stanford Graduate and popular filmmaker & artist.
“Vallejo to pay $300,000 to Stanford grad tackled while recording police”
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